Wednesday, June 17, 2009

...my eyebrows now match :D

I know random name for this post haha, but I dyed my hair brown tonight!!!! As you can see by the picture I am not a blond [or a dirty blond I guess] anymore! I bought a box of hair dye like like 6 or 7 months ago [maybe longer... first semester of college] and I never used it cause I chickened out. Well tonight me and Tonya decided to randomly go get a second box of dye [cause my hair needs more than one...] and finally do it! I had been scared of ruining my hair... but Tonya has the exact same color of hair as me and she has dyed it a lot of times and her hair always returns to the normal hair color lol... so I decided to get out of my comfort zone and do it! :) It actually looks pretty good! And my eyebrows finally match haha. My eye brows have always been brown and darker than my hair color, and now they are the exact same color. It's pretty coolio. So ya, until next time!

- m e g a n


LeMiece said...

you look so cute! I love the hair.

Steph said...

Your hair looks great!!!! Cant wait until family reunion!!!