Friday, March 18, 2011

craving spring.

I bought these flowers a few weeks ago because I thought they were so pretty, and Gerber Daisies are one of my favorite flowers. Yes, they are fake, but I've been craving photographing something pretty lately.  I haven't really picked up my camera for a while... It's kind of sad.  I just haven't had the desire... everything is dull in color, gloomy looking and still not in bloom.  I have a hard time motivating myself to photograph the gloom.  It's really a bad attitude to have, I should really try to do better, but for now I photographed fake flowers.  They are pretty though :), even if they are fake.

Oh & I finally got the third season of Gilmore Girls!  It basically made my day :).


Meredith said...

I will try to use the force and send some Spring your way ;)
And I love Gerber daisies too!
I'll have to post about my gerber daisy hair clip, you'll fall in lurrrrve.

morgan. said...

thanks so much for your encouraging comments, they definitely brightened my day :)

hope you're doing well girly!