Wednesday, August 12, 2009

long time... holy cow

Holy cow it's been a long time since i last posted! I'm now about to move out again. On Monday I'll be moving to college again. The summer has gone by so fast! I realized that I haven't put anything about my job on here. All I put was that I got one haha.
Ok so working at Ross is so much better than I thought it would be. I don't know if it is because I have had so many crappy jobs in the past or what, but I love my job. There are just so many great people that work there. I think the best part about it is the fact that the management is great. I have had some pretty crappy bosses in the past but I love mine at Ross! The manager is in my ward and is great, the assistant manager is so nice, and the two supervisors are great as well. I really enjoy working with them. There are also a lot of great employees. It's finally a job that I don't hate going to everyday. I also get a lot more hours at Ross then I have ever gotten anywhere else. I also get payed more so I think all of those factors add up. I am also so very happy cause I won't have to go job hunting next summer! I will have Ross still. They aren't going to terminate me. The only requirement for staying in the system is working at least once a month. There is pretty much at least one break in almost every month during school. I always come home on breaks so it's all good. It makes me happy :). And I know that this time that this job will still be here next summer, because Ross is not going out of business anytime soon. We are constantly busy! It's crazy.
Anyway, I found out who my mystery roommate is. I don't know if I ever posted anything about my living situation for this fall on here, but I'm rooming with a girl in my ward here at home named Breanne and then her friend McKenzie who used to be in my home ward back in jr. high, and then there was a mystery roommate. Well last week I find out who she is. She is going to my room roommate so I was definitely curious. Her name is Caitlin. She seems really nice and she was at Snow last year so we had some mutual friends and stuff. I've gotten to know her a little bit and she seems nice and fun. I'm going to be living in Mountain View apartments which is only a block down from my dorms from last year. So i'm pretty much just across the street from campus still, which is nice. I'm excited. I have quite a few friends living there so it'll be great.
I'll hopefully update soon! Haha, I'll try not to make it as long as last time.

- m e g a n ♥

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